Class AbstractObjectProcessor

  extended by xsmeral.pipe.AbstractObjectProcessor
All Implemented Interfaces:
Runnable, ContextAware, ObjectProcessor
Direct Known Subclasses:
LocalObjectFilter, LocalObjectSink, LocalObjectSource

public abstract class AbstractObjectProcessor
extends Object
implements ObjectProcessor

Implements basic functionality common for all object processors.
Provides default (however, overloadable) implementation of the run method, which defines a specific life-cycle of the processor, with multiple initialization phases and life-cycle stages.
The complete cycle is as follows:


The initialize method
  1. initializes parameters using ParamInitializer
  2. calls initializeInternal()
  3. marks the processor as initialized, so that any following invocation of this method returns immediately
Therefore, in initializeInternal the processor can access the initialization parameters but not yet the context parameters.

Context initialization

The context-related methods accessible from outside should be called in the following order:
  1. setContext(), which assigns the processor a context and in turn calls:
    1. initWithContext() which can be used to access context parameters already set by an external entity (not those set by other processors)
    2. initContextSet() which sets context parameter values from ToContext fields
  2. initContext(), which initializes fields annotated with FromContext with values from context and in turn calls:
    1. initPostContext() at which time all context parameters and all context-dependent fields can be accessed


After initialization (which is, however, not required), the processor can be started, using the
run() method. The default run cycle is as follows:
  1. the processor is in NOT_STARTED state
  2. preRun() is called, where the processor can perform any preparatory operations
  3. status is set to RUNNING
  4. process() is called in loop, while the status is RUNNING. If a neighboring processor stops, this processor stops.
  5. postRun() is called, which can be used for cleanup and releasing resources

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface xsmeral.pipe.interfaces.ObjectProcessor
Field Summary
protected  boolean canStart
          Starting condition indicator (true by default)
protected  ProcessingContext context
          Associated context (might be null)
protected  ObjectProcessor.Status status
          Current status
Constructor Summary
          Sets the status to NOT_STARTED.
Method Summary
 boolean canStart()
          Indicates whether the processor is ready to start (is correctly initialized).
protected  void failStart()
          Called by the processor itself, indicates negative starting conditions.
 void failStart(String message)
          In addition to failStart(), logs a message indicating the reason for the inability to start
 void failStart(String message, Throwable thrown)
          In addition to failStart(String), logs a Throwable
 ProcessingContext getContext()
          Returns the associated processing context.
 Class getInType()
          Returns the input type of this processor.
 Class getOutType()
          Returns the output type of this processor.
 Map<String,String> getParams()
          Returns the parameter map that was used to initialize this processor.
 ObjectProcessor.Status getStatus()
          Returns current status of this processor.
 void initContext()
          Initializes (reflectively) the values of all fields annotated with FromContext with values taken from the context.
protected  void initContextSet()
          Initializes (reflectively) context parameters from fields annotated with ToContext.
 ObjectProcessor initialize(Map<String,String> params)
          Initializes the processor.
protected  void initializeInternal()
          Should initialize the processor for running, analogically to constructor.
protected  void initPostContext()
          Called after context-dependencies (FromContext fields) are resolved.
protected  void initWithContext()
          Called after a context is assigned.
protected  void postRun()
          Called as the last statement in run().
protected  void preRun()
          Called after initialization, as the first statement in run().
protected abstract  void process()
          Called by the processor itself from run().
 void requestStop()
          Requests the processor to stop and sets its status to STOPPING.
 void run()
          Starts the processing, putting the processor into running state.
 void setContext(ProcessingContext context)
          Associates the processor with the given context.
protected  void stop()
          Called by the processor itself, sets the status to STOPPED
 String toString()
          Returns simple class name of this processor.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected ObjectProcessor.Status status
Current status


protected ProcessingContext context
Associated context (might be null)


protected boolean canStart
Starting condition indicator (true by default)

Constructor Detail


public AbstractObjectProcessor()
Sets the status to NOT_STARTED.

Method Detail


public final ObjectProcessor.Status getStatus()
Description copied from interface: ObjectProcessor
Returns current status of this processor.

Specified by:
getStatus in interface ObjectProcessor


public Map<String,String> getParams()
Returns the parameter map that was used to initialize this processor.


public boolean canStart()
Description copied from interface: ObjectProcessor
Indicates whether the processor is ready to start (is correctly initialized).

Specified by:
canStart in interface ObjectProcessor
True, if the processor is ready to start.


protected final void failStart()
Called by the processor itself, indicates negative starting conditions.


public final void failStart(String message)
In addition to failStart(), logs a message indicating the reason for the inability to start


public final void failStart(String message,
                            Throwable thrown)
In addition to failStart(String), logs a Throwable


public void requestStop()
Description copied from interface: ObjectProcessor
Requests the processor to stop and sets its status to STOPPING. There is no limit to the time it takes the processor to stop, it should however stop as soon as possible.
Only the first processor in chain should be requested to stop.

Specified by:
requestStop in interface ObjectProcessor


public void run()
Starts the processing, putting the processor into running state. More information in description of AbstractObjectProcessor class, section "Running".

Specified by:
run in interface Runnable
Specified by:
run in interface ObjectProcessor


public final Class getOutType()
Description copied from interface: ObjectProcessor
Returns the output type of this processor.

Specified by:
getOutType in interface ObjectProcessor


public final Class getInType()
Description copied from interface: ObjectProcessor
Returns the input type of this processor.

Specified by:
getInType in interface ObjectProcessor


protected void stop()
Called by the processor itself, sets the status to STOPPED


public final ProcessingContext getContext()
Returns the associated processing context. Might return null.

Specified by:
getContext in interface ContextAware


public final void setContext(ProcessingContext context)
                      throws ObjectProcessorException
Associates the processor with the given context. Also, initializes context parameters from fields annotated with ToContext.

Specified by:
setContext in interface ContextAware


protected final void initContextSet()
                             throws ObjectProcessorException
Initializes (reflectively) context parameters from fields annotated with ToContext.

ObjectProcessorException - If a parameter already exists in the context.


public final void initContext()
                       throws ObjectProcessorException
Description copied from interface: ContextAware
Initializes (reflectively) the values of all fields annotated with FromContext with values taken from the context. The context parameter name is either the field name or a name specified as an argument of FromContext.

Specified by:
initContext in interface ContextAware


public final ObjectProcessor initialize(Map<String,String> params)
Initializes the processor. Should only be called once per instance. After returning from this method, the processor should be ready to start (or indicate inability to start when queried by canStart).

More information is provided in description of AbstractObjectProcessor class, section "Initialization".

Specified by:
initialize in interface ObjectProcessor
params - Initialization parameters, substitute for constructor arguments
Should return this, so that the processor can be instantiated and initialized in one command:
    new SomeProcessor().initialize(params);


public String toString()
Returns simple class name of this processor.

toString in class Object


protected void initializeInternal()
Should initialize the processor for running, analogically to constructor. More information in description of AbstractObjectProcessor class, section "Initialization".


protected void initWithContext()
Called after a context is assigned. More information in description of AbstractObjectProcessor class, section "Context initialization".


protected void initPostContext()
Called after context-dependencies (FromContext fields) are resolved. More information in description of AbstractObjectProcessor class, section "Context initialization".


protected void preRun()
               throws ProcessorStoppedException
Called after initialization, as the first statement in run(). More information in description of AbstractObjectProcessor class, section "Running".



protected void postRun()
Called as the last statement in run(). More information in description of AbstractObjectProcessor class, section "Running".



protected abstract void process()
                         throws ProcessorStoppedException
Called by the processor itself from run(). Should process one object and return. More information in description of AbstractObjectProcessor class, section "Running".

ProcessorStoppedException - If a neighboring processor has stopped.