Uses of Class

Packages that use Pipe
xsmeral.pipe Pipe implementation and exceptions 
xsmeral.pipe.context Processing context related classes and annotation types 

Uses of Pipe in xsmeral.pipe

Methods in xsmeral.pipe that return Pipe
 Pipe PipeAttachedProcessor.getPipe()
          Returns the associated Pipe.

Methods in xsmeral.pipe with parameters of type Pipe
 void AttachedProcessor.setPipe(Pipe pipe)
          Associates the processor with a Pipe.
 void PipeAttachedProcessor.setPipe(Pipe pipe)

Uses of Pipe in xsmeral.pipe.context

Methods in xsmeral.pipe.context that return Pipe
 Pipe PipeContext.getPipe()
          Returns the underlying Pipe

Constructors in xsmeral.pipe.context with parameters of type Pipe
PipeContext(Pipe pipe)
          Creates empty parameter map and associates with a Pipe