Interface StatFunction<T extends Number>

All Known Implementing Classes:
Average, Sum, TimeInterval

public interface StatFunction<T extends Number>

Statistical function that can return a result from any number of input values.

Method Summary
 void add()
          Adds one unit (may not make sense for all functions).
 void add(T value)
          Adds the specified value.
 T getValue()
          Returns result of this function over all values supplied since instantiation or last reset.
 void reset()
          Resets value of this function to the initial state.

Method Detail


void add()
Adds one unit (may not make sense for all functions).


void add(T value)
Adds the specified value.


T getValue()
Returns result of this function over all values supplied since instantiation or last reset.


void reset()
Resets value of this function to the initial state.