Class Stats

  extended by xsmeral.pipe.stats.Stats

public class Stats
extends Object

Provides means of monitoring statistics of object processors.
The monitoring points are created using the newFunction method and results are stored in a processing context.
Values can be accessed directly (by methods of ProcessingContext) or by StatsReader designed specifically for this purpose.
The names of context parameters that hold the values have specific format:

where [group] is either a class name of the processor or name of other logical grouping and [name] is name of one monitored value.

See Also:

Nested Class Summary
static class Stats.Reader
          The main implementation of StatsReader.
Field Summary
static String DEF_GROUP
static String PARAM_STATS
Constructor Summary
Stats(ObjectProcessor processor)
          Convenience constructor, creates the stat with group equal to the processor's simple class name and its associated context.
Stats(String group, ProcessingContext ctx)
          Creates a Stats instance for the specified group and context.
Method Summary
 ProcessingContext getContext()
          Returns the associated context, where values are stored.
 String getGroup()
          Returns group name, which is either processor's simple class name or any other arbitrary name.
static Stats.Reader getReader(ProcessingContext ctx)
          Convenience method.
<T extends Number>
newFunction(String name, Class<? extends StatFunction<T>> function)
          Returns StatFunction instance associated with this instance's context.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String PARAM_STATS
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String DEF_GROUP
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public Stats(ObjectProcessor processor)
Convenience constructor, creates the stat with group equal to the processor's simple class name and its associated context.


public Stats(String group,
             ProcessingContext ctx)
Creates a Stats instance for the specified group and context. If the group is null or empty, default group name is used.

Method Detail


public String getGroup()
Returns group name, which is either processor's simple class name or any other arbitrary name.


public ProcessingContext getContext()
Returns the associated context, where values are stored.


public static Stats.Reader getReader(ProcessingContext ctx)
Convenience method. Same as calling
  new Stats.Reader(ctx)


public <T extends Number> StatFunction<T> newFunction(String name,
                                                      Class<? extends StatFunction<T>> function)
Returns StatFunction instance associated with this instance's context.
Runtime type of the instance returned is NOT the same as the second parameter, it is rather a custom implementation that forwards all calls to the supplied Function but at the same time writes them to the context.

name - Name of the stat
function - The StatFunction implementation to use