Class Stats.Reader

  extended by xsmeral.pipe.stats.Stats.Reader
All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:

public static class Stats.Reader
extends Object
implements StatsReader

The main implementation of StatsReader. Provides methods for reading and conversion of stat values stored in processing context. The methods automatically convert values, i.e. an int can be accessed with getDouble and vice versa.

Method Summary
 Double getDouble(String fullStatName)
          Returns value of the context parameter with the supplied name as a Double.
 Double getDouble(String group, String stat)
          Returns value of the statistic specified by group and name as a Double.
 Long getLong(String fullStatName)
          Returns value of the context parameter with the supplied name as a Long.
 Long getLong(String group, String stat)
          Returns value of the statistic specified by group and name as a Long.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public Double getDouble(String fullStatName)
Returns value of the context parameter with the supplied name as a Double. Automatically casts to output type.

Specified by:
getDouble in interface StatsReader
fullStatName - Full name of the context parameter
The value as Double, or null if no such parameter exists or its value is not a Number.


public Double getDouble(String group,
                        String stat)
Returns value of the statistic specified by group and name as a Double. Automatically casts to output type.

Specified by:
getDouble in interface StatsReader
group - Group name
stat - Stat name
The value as Double, or null if no such parameter exists or its value is not a Number.


public Long getLong(String fullStatName)
Returns value of the context parameter with the supplied name as a Long. Automatically casts to output type.

Specified by:
getLong in interface StatsReader
fullStatName - Full name of the context parameter
The value as Long, or null if no such parameter exists or its value is not a Number.


public Long getLong(String group,
                    String stat)
Returns value of the statistic specified by group and name as a Long. Automatically casts to output type.

Specified by:
getLong in interface StatsReader
group - Group name
stat - Stat name
The value as Long, or null if no such parameter exists or its value is not a Number.