Uses of Interface

Packages that use ProcessingContext
xsmeral.pipe Pipe implementation and exceptions 
xsmeral.pipe.context Processing context related classes and annotation types 
xsmeral.pipe.stats Provides classes for tracking statistics of processors. 

Uses of ProcessingContext in xsmeral.pipe

Fields in xsmeral.pipe declared as ProcessingContext
protected  ProcessingContext AbstractObjectProcessor.context
          Associated context (might be null)

Methods in xsmeral.pipe that return ProcessingContext
 ProcessingContext AbstractObjectProcessor.getContext()
          Returns the associated processing context.

Methods in xsmeral.pipe with parameters of type ProcessingContext
 void AbstractObjectProcessor.setContext(ProcessingContext context)
          Associates the processor with the given context.

Uses of ProcessingContext in xsmeral.pipe.context

Classes in xsmeral.pipe.context that implement ProcessingContext
 class PipeContext
          A processing context with additional possibility of accessing the underlying Pipe and the file system.

Methods in xsmeral.pipe.context that return ProcessingContext
 ProcessingContext ContextAware.getContext()
          Returns the associated processing context.

Methods in xsmeral.pipe.context with parameters of type ProcessingContext
 void ContextAware.setContext(ProcessingContext ctx)
          Associates the processor with the given context.

Uses of ProcessingContext in xsmeral.pipe.stats

Methods in xsmeral.pipe.stats that return ProcessingContext
 ProcessingContext Stats.getContext()
          Returns the associated context, where values are stored.

Methods in xsmeral.pipe.stats with parameters of type ProcessingContext
static Stats.Reader Stats.getReader(ProcessingContext ctx)
          Convenience method.

Constructors in xsmeral.pipe.stats with parameters of type ProcessingContext
Stats(String group, ProcessingContext ctx)
          Creates a Stats instance for the specified group and context.